
A few of many to come!





Why I feel free writing for ic3

I’ve finally found a creative platform where I’m able to express myself with thoughts and feelings regarding topics around misrepresentation of individuals. We’ve seen a lot in the media of people who have been heavily stereotyped, mistreated, labelled, and discriminated against. The cases are shocking, the way some publications write or post media in such ignorant ways can often make one believe that these stereotypes are true.
But we have to remember, social media, used  correctly, is BRILLIANT. We have our own platforms to speak truth, honesty, [.....]


My beautiful connections of 2015!

Anyone that knows me personally knows I absolutely love to network like crazy! Even when exhausted after a long day, meeting and connecting with new people is a big love of mine, it expands my connection base as a whole, and it's awesome saying I personally know and speak to people from not only the BBC, but CNN, ITV, MTV, and more.

I'm blessed enough to have a strong base of close friends as well as family, but these people have become more than connections, but great [.....]


BBC highlights of 2015

For the entire year, I've been blessed enough to work full time at one of the world's biggest organisations. I look back and sometimes ask "what kept me going?" - all the crazy shifts, meetings, interviews, talks, networking meets, presenting on air and on tv, all the awesome events, meetings, connecting and even becoming friends with the most hard-working people I've met. 2015 at the BBC has honestly been so rewarding, in so many ways. Crazy thankful. Let me pop a few photos below as my visuals seem [.....]


I went back to school!

I left secondary school 7 years ago, at the age of 15. I was sure I didn't want to stay in the sixth form, I was sure I wanted to go to a mixed college, learn more and broaden my horizon. One thing I was certainly sure of was that the 5 years spent at Our Lady's Convent High, were the best beginning years of life. I somehow think that things would be so different had I chosen somewhere else to spend those crucial 5 years.



The transition from radio to TV

So it's almost been 4 weeks - and indeed they have FLOWN! It's been a really enthusiastic, intense, and enjoyable entrance into the world of TV. 
I am a researcher at BBC Development Central, a television hub known for creating and developing brilliant television programmes and ideas that have the ability to sell worldwide. 
My day-to-days include:
⁃ Contributing ideas for BBC television programmes; sourcing contacts and contributors; collecting, verifying and preparing information for film and television productions.
⁃ Working on a wide variety of programmes or within one subject area. (Not just in BBC documentaries as I originally thought!)
⁃ The work involves organising, planning and researching everything that will happen during [.....]


The difference a year makes!

2014 -> 2015. Same Pudsey? Ha
Working on Children In Need as the main point of call on the Chris Evans breaky show was one the first project I worked on whilst on my traineeship last year. I still remember entering the studio building for 5:30am every single day; and was still completely buzzing throughout. 
A year later? Still buzzing! Still pushing, still never complacent. Working in TV now is like entering another exciting realm. So many ideas, so many plans, so. Much. Research! Full blog post on my new [.....]


Stories that move me

I read. Every day. Stories that make my eyes widen; shock, surprise, disbelief, empathy, compassion, faith in humanity. It influences how I see people, how I investigate stories, and how I like to tell them.

Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple 
Full documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydHRESPjBxg 
One of my earliest memories of stories that I couldn't get out of my head and then did further study on was at the age of 17 when studying Sociology at A level.

Link to story:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34746629

I [.....]

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