A political article from yours truly...*shock face*

Versatility is what it's all about - as I move upwards in the journalism ladder, many of the skills I hope to obtain can literally come from anywhere. The funny thing about this article that was published last week by Blirt Magazine, was that I had no clue I'd be writing it - it was based on an issue that had shockingly hit home. A friend was in need and I became a part of her voice through this article in opposition to the laws and regulations of another country...5000 miles away!

I did mad research on China and had some knowledge of it whilst studying Media for a-levels. It was a very urgent message that needed to be sent to everyone, and I'm glad that straight after my own article was published, other (respected) publications such as The Evening Standard, and The Hackney Gazette were spreading similar news to the importance of this case, and how urgent the law in this country must change.

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