What does it mean to actually be a freelancer?

To be free - from a full time contract. It's been 3 weeks since becoming a freelancer, yet I haven't yet felt the "completely free" feeling yet. I'm thankful for to be spending most of my days at BBC Africa, and the other days at Radio 2. 

When I was a trainee with Radio 2, I met and worked with loads of freelancers, all of who are so lovely! It was enlightening and almost frightening hearing about their experiences and the struggles of freelancing, all over the Beeb:

  • The anxiety of trying to bag as many shifts as possible
  • Having to sacrifice going out for dinner with friends to save money
  • Having to drop sudden plans as a shift has opened up at work
  • Working insanely crazy and unusual hours with little notice, but still thinking of the bigger picture as it'll pay the bills. 

The list goes on. Again, everyone's journey is different, but there are similarities within the experiences freelancers face. 

I'm trying to do this thing where I'm thinking more of the outcome, rather than the income. The experience I'm gaining, and roles that I've been given working with BBC Africa, have been invaluable! It's hard work, it can be stressful, but it's worth it. 

"Freelancers are like dancers going to auditions each week and impatiently waiting for their big break"

"Freelancers are like jugglers; whilst earning a small living, they're working on other projects and things that they're passionate about - so they're always busy"

"The term freelancer doesn't really phase me. I'm doing my thing, I'm happy, I'm good at what I do. Full stop."

If this post is relatable, what kind of freelancer are you? I definitely associate myself with the "juggler" kind of freelancer. I'm happy to be doing several things I love at once - although working at the Beeb takes up most of my time, and I'm so pleased with the progression of my mag ic3mag. We have such exciting things happening and  coming up! 

And of course my mentoring scheme Pursue Your Passion. Currently in the process of preparing for our workshop tomorrow for aspiring bankers, lawyers, consultants, solicitors, and city workers! The preparation for this has been insane, but oh so worth it. 

So that's me, the life of a current freelancer. It's a beautiful struggle, and I'm counting my blessings, not my burdens. 
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