Success is scary!

We're bombarded on social networking sites like Instagram and Twitter as hey contain a gazillion reasons as to why success is simply the icing on the cake. I screenshot each and every one I see, partially because they enlighten me and somehow play a constant self reminder of where my passions of broadcasting and journalism will take me.

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for"
"Mistakes are proof that you're trying"
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"
"When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, that's when you will be successful"
"Work until your idols become your rivals"
"Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed"

Had enough of the images and quotes already? I have, well kinda! But I can't deny that these quotes hold importance to me. Because they are true. They don't have to be lived by like the Bible for example, but they support the scenarios and circumstances life tends to throw at us on a daily basis.

Connecting with INCREDIBLE people and establishing myself in one of the world's largest organisations has added to my definition of success; accomplishment, growth, fulfilment, and  excelling. 

Why's it scary though?

Because it's within such close reach, it's insane. Being in the same place that I'd love to present TV/ radio shows on a regular basis. And of course I hear about people and their stories, and how many years they've been grinding to get where they are. Will I have to work 100x as hard to reach that position? How long will it take me? What if there are huge gaps in between? Will I give up?

I don't call this paranoia or over-thinking (even though I occasionally tend to), I call this more character strengthening - it's good to question and test your strengths and weaknesses along the way, to see how you can improve to reach your first goal directly

I say first goal as the journey of life is so beautiful that it should be celebrated every step of the way.
T.D. Jakes stresses the importance of enjoying and embracing the journey whilst getting to where you hope to be.

Direction is also important. Who cares about speed?! I'd rather know I'm on the right track rather than going nowhere fast.

Success is still scary. Because it's not an end point or last hurdle; it's a relay - you don't know what each baton will hold, but you know it'll be awesome as it pushes you further towards future successes. You just have to keep pushing and pursuing your passion, knowing that it's part of your God-given purpose, it makes you happy, and you're surrounded by the right people to constantly remind you of the strengths you hold with this passion. I'm blessed to be surrounded by people that only want me to do better. Count your blessings, not your worries. 

"If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough" - honestly!

Stay blessed people x

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