After a lot of self realisation in my last post (my video), and probably one of the most in-depth email conversations with Claudia, I realised that the best place to start with work experience is a place that I have also previously worked at for a few days at the age of seventeen. It's publicly known as Vox Africa and is in Battersea Studios. I'm not going to lie when I previously worked there I didn't really take the role too serious - especially as I was mostly observing and not really that head strong in the part of journalism I wanted to go to.
However, it was enjoyable seeing people taking out their roles and reporting news from African countries. I remember meeting a French reporter who was very passionate about politics in his country, which I think was Dr Congo.
I remember going into the recording booth and making my own script for voice overs on images shown on the news channel, which was very enjoyable too!
The best part had to be seeing Claudia reporting LIVE news - she was actually amazing! It was really inspiring watching that and also being behind the screen watching one of my few inspirations taking out the job that I had to do in the future
Overall, it was very insightful looking at such a busy, vibrant and happy team at Vox Africa, and I am really looking forward to going back as the stronger journalist that I have become over these past 2 years! I am due to start working there as soon as I'm free, it can be quite difficult for job opportunities to open up, but it's definitely somewhere that I'd like to work in the near future!
**DISCLAIMER** written on 10/01/14 - 2 years later and the changes that I'm seeing in my attitude and drive is shocking. Things that I say I will do I am actually doing, I'm no longer procrastinating and couldn't be happier! It's great seeing your personal growth right in front of your very eyes. Never give up the faith, God always has a way of turning the impossible into possible
#Happy :)
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