Life is beautiful, sweet, and I'm so thankful for everything that is going on, so much so that I genuinely have this growing hunger to do EVERYTHING my heart desires. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with that, as I do everything within moderation. Which is crucial if you want to function properly.
Work. Rest. Play. Pray.
As well as working Monday to Friday, there are bits and bobs of other things I am doing, things that I don't like to rush through. But I feel as though I should be more strict with timing. Even though I haven't been set a strict deadline, I should at least set myself a deadline so I can have time to do other newer ventures.
Timing is so so crucial and I take it very seriously. I hate wasting time, being late, running behind a schedule; cringe!
Anything I invest my time in has to be of lasting value. And there are many things I am doing that need time. How am I able to weigh out so many things at once?! So many friends ask me this exact question. From spending most of my time at Radio 2, to networking, to organised meetings, to freelancing, to writing, to blogging, to reading, to filming, to even taking time out to actively help others, and finding time to socialise. It's a lot! But God pushes me through reminding me that the strength He has given me is my gift.
I guess it's something I thrive off and what makes me, me. Maybe there doesn't need to be another Hannah after all?! Especially as I haven't struggled during this crazy process! I don't like sharing my bed all the time anyway. So I guess we'll just stick to there being one Hannah Ajala!
There's a bit more that I want to stay but let me keep hush about it. No worries, all shall be revealed soon.
Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.
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