Learning to dance in the hallway

It's so important. Dance in that hallway. Smile, be merry, remain hopeful and optimistic as possible. 

What I mean by 'dancing in the hallway' is the scenario of when that door closes, and you're waiting for the next door to open. How are you waiting? Are you repetitively tapping your feet? Are you occupying yourself with things of substance? Are you dreading the wait? Or are you h o p e f u l ?
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Some people say it's fake if you don't openly expose your fears and failures. And I think that's super wrong! FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. So why would there be a need to openly speak about things that could mentally have the power to break you? Overcome it! Speak good things, but also be honest about the journey. 

"Yes I was scared, no I didn't know where my next pay cheque would come from, but I was doing what I love, and knew the reward would come soon, for all of my drive"


They say your faith is truly tested when things are taken away from you. I was only a freelancer for a month, and societal pressure tried to place so much nonsense into my brain telling me who I am. 

I listened to my heart, focused on my strengths and abilities, and persevered. Application, rejection, interview, meeting after meeting. It paid off, and I'm so grateful. 

I danced in the hallway, and loved every minute, I loved how much BBC Africa welcomed me in as a family and appreciated my help video producing and reporting for them, I loved working for Claudia Winkle even if that included walking up and down on her show grabbing guests up to 20 times a day. 

It was all for a small sum of income but the biggest sum of the most warm experiences that I'll keep forever. 

Even if you have 2 left feet like I do, please dance in the hallway. Your opportunity WILL arrive, and it'll be beautiful. 

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