Sooo I've also been lucky enough to work for a fabulous online review organisation called ONIN London. It's a very easy and approachable way to read about the latest events, places to visit, and reviews from many Lovely Londoners like myself! :-)

Very great team that I get along with very well. I like the fact that I can construct my own ideas on the type of media I can publish through onin, and it just fits very well with the theme of the publication

My latest work published by onin was on Jay Z, check it out here 

On Monday 19th April, I was incredibly lucky to become a part of a graduate scheme taking place in the tremendous News International Organisation, based in Wapping (such a  gorgeous part of London).

The stunning view

News International is owned by the genius that is Rupert Murdoch, and also runs one of my favourite publications being The Sunday Times. Entering the building and even having my name down on a list that I had to mention at reception was an honor. I really felt in awe and had chills knowing that one day, this will be my life. This will be my job. This will be me!

The scheme was held by lovely Rebecca North, who works in HR for The Sun at News International. She was very down to earth and I immediately became a fan to her genuine Essex girl accent!

The ice-breakers during the scheme really helped me and many other soon-to-be graduates to get to know each other a lot better, not to mention all of the exciting features of the scheme (which I'm sure would be okay to display here):

- the scheme lasts for 2 years, and starts with a 2 week induction kick-off
- each placement is specific to a single department, may include opportunities to work in different specialist areas
- gives graduates the opportunity to get involved in real projects straight away, giving the chance to start developing skills and making immediate contribution to the business

The really interesting thing being a part of this scheme was realising that I was the only aspiring journalist. The other 10-12 grads were more interested in the marketing side of these publications, so I thought; BIGGER CHANCE FOR ME! But then again, nothing in life is ever handed to you on a plate.

I had such a brilliant time and even to be a part of this was such an amazing feeling, it's really given me a much clearer direction of where I hope to be once I graduate, even though I'm only in my second year of university at the moment and won't be able to apply until next year, I'm definitely sticking this incredible placement on the bulletin board!

On Friday 5th April, I attended an amazing journalism conference at London school of economics based in Holborn

It was really great hearing from journalists and their knowledge of the industry, as discussing in depth about what their job mainly entails

The key speakers were excellent! I was especially intrigued into the role of a spokesperson and multimedia journalist from Bloomberg news - Marianne Bouchart, as she showed us how she inputs HTML and all the technological stuff!

I love attending these sort of events as it broadens my horizon more of the journalism field and of course helps me to gain contacts!

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