So I'm currently sat in the BBC office with a gazillion things to do. I notice I haven't blogged since June, haven't posted on my aspiring journalist page on Facebook in 10 days, and have pending projects that haven't been edited yet. Then I think back to wishing there were two of me again!

But I also remind myself of the fact that there is purpose in every single thing that I'm working on. I can't pursue it unless I see lasting value in it. 

It's also crucial to remember that direction is a whole lot better than speed. Some people are going nowhere fast, beware! As long as you will benefit from the things that are keeping you busy, then that's all that matters!

So, you may wonder, what exactly is it that's keeping me so busy?!...

1) the BBC. Almost in my 10th month and crossing over to other areas as well as radio 2, and loving it! So much more in store. 

2) ic3 magazine - a new platform that is fuelled with energy and interesting people. The journey and support from readers is really appreciative!

3) pursue your passion - a friend and I have decided to create a platform empowering and inspiring young people to chase their dreams and career paths within several sectors

4) ladies who fellowship in the city - a community of young women gathering together twice a month to discuss curiosities about Jesus and the Bible. 

Very proud and blessed to have these ventures going on in my life. 

You can be busy without a purpose, but what's the point?

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