I love interviews as it's such a relaxing and enjoyable way of finding out specific information about someone. A friend is in the process of constructing a magazine and asked me to feature in it. 

I was asked questions and answered accordingly, and really enjoyed it!

Here goes it:

Magazine publication: Afrokanist magazine - https://www.facebook.com/afrokanistmagazine

I came back from Salford training fully pumped and ready to incorporate everything I've learnt into my job role as a trainee at BBC Radio 2. 

I began working on the breakfast show. The first week consisted of mostly office duties and show plans. The first day didn't go exactly how I thought it would be, and without anything negative happening at all, I suddenly fell into a state of overthinking and being hard on myself for not taking more initiative. 

I kept reminding myself about the fact that there is a tomorrow and another chance for me to make the day better and 10 times more productive. 

Mid week I had a meeting with my mentor which left me feeling so relieved! My mentor is so sweet and honest and reminded me not to be too hard on myself and avoid overthinking (one of my biggest habits). She also told me to remind myself that I AM HUMAN. We all make mistakes and constantly want to do better. 

I became overly chuffed and happy realising that I was part of a team that appreciated my help when contributing to contents of the show. 

Whilst out with a friend I also bumped into, met and spoke to one of my favourite artists right now known as Kwabs. It was such a great conversation and also made me realise that I'm no longer an 'omg a celeb!' fan girl, my friend noticed how the chat I had with him was more of a fun and informal interview which I hardly noticed! (Then again I would love to interview well known personalities as I rally towards my career path as a journalist/presenter). Meeting and talking with Kwabs was definitely another highlight!

(Kwabs and I)

I turned every negative thought into a positive and can honestly call this one of the best weeks of my life! Bumping into the current X Factor contestants was awesome too. 

Friday then became the icing on the cake (not just because it was the beginning of the weekend may I add!)

The Chris Evans show consisted of celebrities such as Graham Norton and soulful singer Jamie Cullum. Their radiant personalities shun throughout the studio and I smiled throughout sitting in on the 3 and a half hour show. I'd been up from 5am and remained BUZZING throughout!

Jamie Cullum's amazing live set! >>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p028w65c

The atmosphere and feeling I had reminded me of where my life is heading, if I remain consistent and hardworking with the attitude I carried throughout this week. 

Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean that it determines the outcome of the week. This week has been such an awesome one! So thankful for every single day, even the bad ones as they later turn out to be the best!

Note to self: stop overthinking 

At first it felt as though I was en route to a business meeting or something (mostly due to how smartly I was dressed and going straight from church), I hopped on a train to a city outside of London that I've never been to before in the hopes of gaining crazy amounts of information that I would note down constantly. 

I arrived in probably the most luxuriest hotel room I've stayed in in the UK, and I immediately thought of what my mother says to me now and then; "these treats and special moments are only a fraction of the amazing things to come when you continue to work hard". I loved that. I loved the fact that it happened at a time where my attitude and drive still remained in check. 

I looked forward to meeting my professional trainers at the BBC academy and funnily enough, I didn't even think about the people that I would meet and work with in my training group!

We remained in each other's company throughout the week and I can honestly call them the most driven, passionate, good-hearted, hard working people that I've ever worked with in such a large capacity. 

(Photo by @ashfranroy)

I can't say too much in detail about my training week for obvious reasons, but I am currently in the process of making my October vlog which will show some of my time in lovely Manchester being trained by the BBC academy in Salford's Media City UK! 

Training was incredible. I've been a trainee at BBC Radio 2 for only a week and I feel like I've learnt so much more; week 2 better watch out!


I received the news only days after graduating. I responded how most girls would; constantly screaming "SHUT UP" and crying tears of absolute joy. I was more shocked at the fact that it happened so soon, rather than actually ever happening. 

It was such a joyous and happy feeling, and therefore I had decided to only keep the news private with close family and friends, until I actually started my job role as a graduate trainee.

Starting with the BBC as a company, as my first ever job role leaving university really took a while to sink in. My first day at BBC Radio 2 went so fast I literally had to write everything down at the end of it. Lots of hello's and introductions and briefs and welcomes. Whew! It finally began sinking in once I received my schedule over the course of the year that I'll be on my traineeship. 

I clapped my hands in excitement when seeing all of the exciting plans and events to come ahead!

Growth growth growth. I was so ready for it all and took in every single experience, remembering each person that I meet along the way and also to never be afraid asking questions.

I'm in such a happy place right now and can only remain grateful and humble throughout the process. I'll also be posting monthly VLOGS showing what I've been up to not only at the BBC, but elsewhere too!

I'm training to become a broadcaster with the BBC, and I'm loving every moment of it. 
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