I lay here in bed at 00:38am and start to become a little frightened. I'm itching with excitement and anxiousness and optimism to begin my life - my career. But what about all of the "what if?"'s?

I guess when you're mad passionately in love with a dream and can't wait to accomplish it, there's no such thing as a what if scenario. You go and get it, even if it takes years of blood, sweat and tears. I'm ready for it. 

A really beautiful quote that I read from a Bible study yesterday still remains in thought and heart:

"Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention."

Stay blessed 

Towards the end of my summer, I had thought about writing a self-help, personalised kind of article about a few of the things I genuinely enjoy doing...going on holiday! It was most certainly the longest article I have written but I really enjoyed writing it nonetheless. 

Rather than wondering what kind of feedback I would get from my readers as I would with my other articles, this article was just a way of letting a reader see me as Hannah, just a student that likes to make the most out of Summer. (The nostalgia of Summer is real).

Enjoy reading!

I enjoy regularly going to University scheme events, and on Saturday 12th October 2013, I experienced something a lot more different - different countries, accents, and bigger and better opportunities.

I thought The World Grad School Tour would be like any other post-uni graduate event, but speaking to institutions such as The University of Hawaii, about funding in MA Media & Communications completely eradicated the surreal feeling. Now, I'm not necessarily saying I'm definitely planning on studying a masters beside palm trees and beaches (getting work done would be impossible), but this whole day made me realise that our dreams and aspirations can literally point us in any direction. We need to stop thinking narrow and start thinking more wide.

My planning process grew even wider. I also spoke with The School of Media Studies - Based in New York City! The course curriculum sounded extraordinary and I always warm towards institutions that support you vocationally after finishing the course - so important! The University of Cardiff also offered fantastic practicality modules on their Journalism courses - there were so many to name I fell in love!

Depending on what you study, you can pursue a career in it; in numerous places. It's almost cliché when said but the world really is our oyster. My plans after graduating sound straight-forward, but the process will really challenge my strengths and how bad I really want to become a journalist. I'm excited for the road ahead - BUT. PLANNING. IS EVERYTHING.

You never want to look back and wish that you went in direction A rather than in direction B. I know it sounds silly but write a timeline or to-do list, of what steps you hope to take after graduating - as you work your way up towards where you hope to be.

My little written timeline is split into two and is titled: Graduate Job VS Further Education. I didn't necessarily write it in the way that I would be choosing one over the other, but rather writing below the two the benefits of going for either of the two. Another thing I love about the idea of studying a Masters is that you don't have to be a certain age when studying it! So I could go straight into a good journalism job after graduating (God willing), and then when the time is right, go ahead and perhaps study a masters in (TV) Journalism. Sounds like a good plan to me

If you're reading this and freaking out about your future - please don't! there's time :) also, please feel free to message me via my Facebook page, about any queries or questions - I'm apparently good at giving advice

A few pictures from the awesome day at The World Grad School tour:

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